Thursday, 1 August 2013

Skinny Burgers

Last night I made dinner for my sister, Lucy, my boyfriend and I. Lucy had demanded I make some more tuna burgers, a recipe (yet another one) that I got from My Ginger Bread Journey
I've already posted about Emily's recipes here, but they're just so good!

So whilst I whipped up the meal, Josh played camera man.
I popped some sweet potato chips in the oven and left them there until a fork went in easily.

Made some of my favourite simple guacamole, smushed avocados with salt and tabasco.. Yummy!!!

Then cracked on with the tuna burgers!

The best thing about these is that they literally take about 10 mins, 4 mins mixing it all up and 3 mins on each side, perfecto!

We each had our burgers in something different, Josh kept it traditional with a burger bun, I went for a pitta bread (which was so unphotogenic and started falling apart that I didn't take a photo) and Lucy went for what she and I normally do, a wrap!

Full super scrummy & healthy recipe here.


  1. Yum! These look delicious... Especially with the avocado on top :)

    1. I ate most of the guac whilst I was making it! X

  2. Oooh Tabasco in Guac....I've never thought of that. I always tend to go for cayenne pepper and/or cumin :)
    x x x

    {The Lobster & Me}

  3. Love the addition of tabasco with guac! Looks scrummy to me, and so glad that they turned out okay for you!
    Emily xx
    My Ginger Bread Journey


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