Sunday, 11 August 2013


I wanted to post this so that everyone is on the right page, with the right facts, and I also know that this will reach a wider audience as I'm not friends with everyone Lucy knew on Facebook.

You may or may not have already seen through some sort of social media platform or heard through the grapevine that sadly I lost my little sister last week after her horse, Alfie, spooked at a farm vehicle on a farm track, near our house.

Despite our loss, there are so many things to be thankful for, firstly, Mum might not have heard Alfie canter past the house, the farm workers knew her and knew exactly what to do but the luckiest thing by far is that Lucy had people with her. She could have fallen off in the middle of nowhere and been on her own.
She was airlifted to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and after being in surgery for 3 hours we finally got to see her. This was on Wednesday 7th.

The next day she showed signs of breathing but she was still so ill that both her heart rate and blood pressure rocketed and after doing a number of tests doctors told us the news we had feared.

Poor little (only in age, she was a foot taller than me, clearly my genes were just sorting themselves out, but when it came to her, they knew what to do) Lucy was only 16  and so beautiful, an incredible rider and so loved by so many, and as one of her best friends, Anna, put so wonderfully: 
"The people she has gone to join are so lucky to have her, and we are so lucky to have known her, if only it could have been for longer."

Thank you everyone for all your kind words and support, especially to Lucy's friends and their families, I don't know what I would have done without you and I don't think I need to mention names for you to know who you are.
Mum and I will hopefully be going to collect her GCSE results for her on the 22nd, which she no doubt will have aced.

Rest In Peace Lu
30th January 1997 - 8th August 2013


  1. Lottie, I am so very very sorry to have just read about your families loss of your beautiful younger sister. What a precious and brave piece to write, you are clearly a tower of strength to your family. All my thoughts are with you - you brave young girl.
    X x x

  2. Dear Lottie, I can't believe what I've just read, I'm so sorry for your loss. I admire your strenght to talk about it and for not holding it in.
    My deepest sympathy to you and your family. You are such a strong young girl, Lottie. Take care of yourself. X

  3. Oh Lottie. I'm so, so sorry to hear of your loss and incredibly amazed at your strength during such a hard time.

    Sadly there has to be lows in life to help us appreciate the highs, but I'm distraught to hear the severity of yours.
    Continue being brave, she will always be near you and supporting you.

    Sending my love and strength as always.
    Emily xx

    1. Thanks Emily, I really do appreciate it, big hugs xx

  4. I'm quite new to your blog but all my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I send my deepest sympathiesxx

  5. Rosi Withers (Spall)11 August 2013 at 23:10

    Lottie, you write so beautifully. I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy and you're all in our thoughts. You're so incredibly brave and strong. I hadn't read your blog before however I've read back many months and you're fab. Take care of yourself gorgeous girl xx

  6. Oh Lottie, I'm so incredibly sorry to hear about Lu. It sounds like she was the most amazing, kind, friendly, happy, talented and beautiful little sister and she was doing what she totally loved.
    You are so strong and brave for sharing this with us and I really truly wish you all the love in the world to you and your family.
    Please keep smiling and making the most out of life as I'm sure she's looking down with a giant cheeky grin on her face.
    So much love and hugs and care coming your way sweetheart
    x x x

    {The Lobster & Me}

    1. You've cheered me up a lot Ibbs! Big hugs xxx

  7. Lottie im so sorry I only just managed to get back onto your blog and read this. She sounded lovely! You should feel exceedingly lucky to have had a close relationship and lots of good memories!!! I only wish I had the same with mine. Welldone on sharing this and it being such an eloquent post.. I dont know if thats the right way to put it, but a calm post despite your loss! xxxx

  8. Oh honeybee, I am so so sorry for your loss. Know that my thoughts are with you and your family. Lucy sounds like a wonderful girl, as are you for being so strong and brave through these times. It really isn't fair how some of us get so much time on this earth while others get so little. I recently lost a childhood friend, and it is just impossible to grasp how a young life can end so suddenly. Stay strong lovely

    Teffy X

  9. I'm so incredibly sorry. This must have been a very daunting post but you've written it with such grace and bravery. x

  10. Lottie,
    I was devastated to hear the news. I am so so sorry. I have many fond memories of you both growing up next door, and you were lovely kids and subsequently young ladies. I can't imagine how you are feeling, and your mum and dad too. You have all been in my thoughts since I heard.
    I stumbled across your blog, it is very well written - and well done on an open and very brave post. I also hope your A level results were what you were hoping for today.
    With all best wishes and love

  11. Im in year 8 and i heard about the accident, I didnt know Lucy personally but i had seen her around school a lot, always smiling and laughing with her friends. I was so shocked to hear the news. I hope you and your family and of course all of lucy's friends are all ok, obviously it will take a while but well done for being so brave xx


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