Monday, 2 September 2013

2 Ingredient Cookie Dough

The first mistake that you could make with this recipe is to think that these look like a certain something or other and taste horrid.
You'd be wrong, and you'd be missing out.
Unless, you don't like peanut butter or have a nut allergy, then you have an excuse, but these are delish.
So delish, that I've just tucked into my 2nd batch.

5 Tbsp peanut butter, I use Meridian because it has no Palm oil or added sugar
Approx 8 Tbsp raisins, maybe more or it may be less
2 Tbsp peanuts, preferably unsalted but salted are easier to find!

Blend the raisins and peanut butter in a blended until a ball forms, you may need more or less raisins to do this, then add your peanuts... Simple!

Dollop all of your mixture onto some grease proof paper or baking paper, roll it up into a tube then roll it in the tube so it becomes cylendrical.

Pinch a few bits here and there, you know, just to taste..

You could eat it like that, but I popped it in the fridge over night so it would harden, then i sliced it into disks this morning, oh my goodness, the raisins went hard like little chewy things and before I knew it I had eaten the whole lot.
I really have gone nuts for them. (I couldn't not, sorry)

If, unlike me, you are more restrained with your peanut butter snaffling, you could pop them into lunch boxes as a snack because they're so full of energy, and not only that, they fight depression, and lower the risk of weight gain!

 Woohoo for happy, slimming peanut bites!


  1. I am absolutely crazy about peanut butter (and nuts and dried fruits). This is so easy and looks so good (I really think they look delicious and won't taste horrid!). I will add it on my list that's already filled with many of your other recipes that I still want to try out!

    Sofie x

  2. Ooh this sounds perfect, my boyfriend would love this, thank yar!xx

  3. Peanut Butter... And healthy?!!?
    Emily xx
    My Ginger Bread Journey

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Peanut butter?? I am in! I love the stuff oh so much.

    Teffy { Teffys Perks Blog }



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