Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Perfect Poached Eggs

I have been yearning for poached duck eggs ever since my birthday, the problem was I had no idea how to go about recreating them uuuuuntiiiilll I saw this post by Valentina, which is the easiest thing in the world!
All you need is some cling film, a mug and your egg!

I covered the mug with the cling film, making a little well for the egg,

 Then I twisted the top to make an "egg parcel" and popped it in a pot of boiling water until it all goes white.


Give it a little prod or two if you're not sure.

Twist the cling film really well before it goes in the water, in case it has a tendency to unravel slightly, like mine did.

Then pop it on a plate and serve with whatever you like, seeing as I was dreaming and yearning for the Crabtrees breakfast that I had last week I served it with smoked salmon and the home made bread I made yesterday.

One of the easiest, tastiest and simplest breakfasts!


  1. Sending this recipe straight over to the BF, he is on a constant mission to find the perfect poached egg!!

    Katie <3

    1. Thanks Katie, no pressure- I hope he likes it! XX

  2. I'm a BIG fan of dippy eggs and soldiers...but I might just have to try out this neat little trick for myself :)
    x x

    1. I hope I can convert you because these are the only way I like my eggs, apart from in cakes! xxx

  3. this looks like a great method of poaching eggs! I'm still experimenting with methods and will definitely try this one! also that bread looks delicious! xxx

    1. I was so pleased when I came across it, all credits to Valentina! The bread is sooo good, wholemeal would have probably been a healthier option though! Xxx

  4. I have never heard of this before! Usually mine end up splitting before I can top them on toast, so definitely giving this a go, thanks Lottie :)
    Emily xx

  5. It's life changing, I've never tried it with hen's eggs though so ducks are a winner in my eyes xxx


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