Thursday 17 October 2013

American Bacon Pancakes (D-F)

When I didn't have to avoid dairy, I made these every weekend, but when I had to stop eating dairy I thought it unlikely that I'd ever get to eat these again.
Last week, I whipped up these pancakes for my housemates and I, and who knew one could be full from three pancakes?

I made double the quantity which fed seven:

270g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp caster sugar
260ml soy or almond milk
2 large eggs
4 tbsp Pure spread
1 pack of bacon

 Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl, then add the milk and the eggs.

Then melt a lump of Pure in the microwave and measure out 4 tbsp, Hilary found this in ASDA and it's definatley the best butter replacement that I've found. She's made lots of cakes for me with it and they taste even better than usual.
Plus, it makes exceptionally good buttercream.

Mix that in and keep mixing until it's all smooth.

Whilst that's going on you can be cooking your bacon.

Welcome to my student kitchen..

Once the batter is ready, and the bacon is sizzled, heat up a pan.

Lay a strip of bacon in the pan and pour over a ladle of batter.

I know that bacon and pancakes might seem like a weird combination initially, but they're SO good.

Drizzle with honey or maple syrup and tuck in.



  1. Dayummm girl. These look so tasty - best hangover food ever FYI!

    Katie <3


  3. They look really good, Lottie! Almond milk has such a lovely taste (much better than milk, if you ask me). I must say, your student kitchen looks very tidy and clean in comparison to mine!

    Sofie x

  4. I remember when I made pancakes my boyfriend and friends thought I was crazy for having bacon and blueberries with my pancakes.. just one bite and they quickly changed their mind! Looks delicious =)

    Teffy { Teffys Perks Blog } X

  5. Mmm they look yummy! I gave in to my pancake cravings yesterday morning and I'm so glad I did!!
    Charlotte x
    La Vie en Gâteaux


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