Thursday 13 August 2015

Skinny Chocolate Truffles

Before I made these, I had previously thought that making truffles was a longwinded job. Seeing as these are my only experience of ever making truffles (as far as I can recall), I was definitely wrong.

Okay so they're not healthy healthy, like cucumber-green-juice-good-for-you-healthy, but they're a darn sight better than they normally would be. Besides, chocolate is good for the soul. 

This recipe makes around 15-25, depending on the size of truffle you make and how much warm, creamy and delicious mixture you filch from the pan whilst it's melting.

150g good quality dark chocolate (I used Lindt 70%)
125 ml coconut milk
1 tsp coconut oil
cocoa for dusting

Gently melt the chocolate over heat and add the coconut milk and oil until silky.
I know it's difficult to resist swiping some to taste now, I've been there, but trust me, they get even better.

Place this mixture in either the fridge or the freezer depending on how much time you have.

When the mixture has firmed up dust a plate with cocoa and use a teaspoon to roll them into balls and then roll them in the cocoa.

Put your truffles back in the fridge to firm up before serving.

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