Monday, 2 February 2015

Jumping Out Of Planes

If you had told me this time two and a half months ago that I wouldn't have believed you, but here I am, writing a blog post to tell you that I have:

I was joined in Wiltshire at GoSkydive by my mother, my amazing honorary godmother Jill and my three tall and slightly podgy looking (all due to jackets under the T-shirts, I assure you) cheerleaders.

I had the whole shebang videoed on a GoPro, a camera that I had heard a lot of hype about, but had never personally used. I'm so glad I did because it now feels like a dream.

We flipped frontwards out of the plane (I'm not too sure why I used "we" because I certainly didn't have much say in the matter, so I screamed.
I have poor volume control as it is, but the girls on the ground said that they could hear me screaming even though I was so high, which I sort of see as an accomplishment!

We fell for about two miles in -20 degrees Celsius. You know when you're skiing and you're going so fast that it hurts your face and your lips because it's so cold?
It was a little like that, but at 120 MPH.

It was an incredible experience being so high up, on a clear day apparently you can even see the Gherkin in London!

After the parachute went we went through a cloud, but after about 20 seconds, you could see houses and field boundaries beginning to emerge.
This is when the man I was strapped to asked me if I wanted to steer.
Did I want to steer?!
Had this man lost his mind?
Apparently not, because I'm still here and it was so cool, although my mum said from the ground I looked like I was spinning in circles.

I just wanted to thank everyone for such generous donations, I couldn't have dreamed of the Just Giving page reaching over £4500, I am so grateful. Every single penny donated goes straight to the EAAA.

GoSkydive offer the highest commercial skydive in the UK, based in Wiltshire. They, reassuringly, replace all of their kit every two years to ensure that they have the highest standard of equipment.
Their website is here!

Thank you all so much for your support, it was an incredible way to honour what would have been my sister's 18th birthday.

Happy birthday Luce xxx

Classic Woolley photo face?

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