Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Term 2 Catch-up

I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad blogger. I know.

My first term literally flew past, and now that I'm nearly in the middle of my second semester I thought I'd share some recent and not-so-recent pictures with you!

This beautiful girl is Leonnie, she's my PR partner in crime but sadly she doesn't actually live in Canterbury, she commutes from about 40 minutes away. 
She came down for a sleepover and put up with my pokey room one Monday night so we could have a night out together!

Two weeks ago Mum and I went to Yo Sushi in Westfield. If I'm honest, I'm not too keen on Westfield, unless you want to get up at ridiculous o'clock, it's usually crowded and people barge, you really have to have a pep talk with yourself and sharpen your elbows if you want to get anything done.

It's actually a smack bang half way point for Mum and I, between Suffolk and Canterbury making it perfect for lunch to eat my favourite cuisine ever.

These two, I will willingly admit are my two favourite boys in the world.
What a statement to make, but they are absolutely hilarious, and I'm just as good at them at poker, which is great

James // Lottie // Harry
I finally did it.
I had my first ever Dominos pizza, I know I'm a little bit late to the table but it's life changing, plus I can choose to have a pizza sans cheese.

Being able to order pizza from my bed and skip down to the door in my pyjamas to collect it from the delivery man wasn't really something I needed to get into

Let's hope this posting malarky becomes more of a regular thing xxx


  1. Not a bad looking couple of guys to have on your arms darling ;)

    Love the first picture of you, you look b-e-a-utiful!

    Welcome back to blogging - looking forward to catching up on all your adventures!

    Katie <3

  2. Yayyyyy! I missed you on the blogging scene!! Please stick around!
    Emily xx
    My Ginger Bread Journey

  3. Wooo looks like you're having so much fun at uni!! Glad to see you posting again!:) I'm yet to discover the joys of a dominoes would you believe it!:Oxx

  4. Ditto to all the above!!
    Please stay around Lottie, we've missed you
    x x x
    {The Lobster & Me}


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