Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Cornflake Tart

I work in a local farm shop and working every week has given me some regulars and favourite customers.
Two of these favourite customers just happen to be a pair of friends called Mrs Daniels and Mrs Howard and I think they're fantastic.
Long story short, Mrs Daniels told me that Mrs Howard was renowned for her jam making skills and Mrs Howard was kind enough to bring me some jam in to try, I don't think she knew that she had given me my two favourite flavours, Raspberry and Blackcurrant!

 I had been invited to a meal with lots of friends and the host had asked us to bring something each, I was given "Sweet", which is good, I can do sweet.
I decided to do a cornflake tart, firstly to try out this amazing jam and secondly because it's such an underrated pudding, I know it's quite wintery, especially served warm with custard, but I like it just as much cold and there's something very comforting about it. It's essentially a hug in a pudding.

You'll need:
9oz plain flour
4.5oz butter
About 6 tsp water (you may need less, or more)

1 jar of your favourite jam, Raspberry works best
125g cornflakes
9 dessert spoonfuls of golden syrup
75g butter
35g dark brown sugar
A pinch of salt

First I made my shortcrust pastry, and popped it into a cake tin (I don't have a tart case), lightly pricked it with a skewer and blind baked it in the oven at about 180 celcius for about 20 mins.

When it's out, grab your jam and smother the base of it. (I might have eaten a few spoonfuls, it was that good. Best jam I've ever had.)

Pop a large saucepan on the heat, and pour in your golden syrup, butter and sugar and melt them down.

 Fold in your cornflakes, try to coat them all in the sugary mixture, but not crush them at the same time!

 Spoon the cornflake mix into the pastry case, pressing it down into the jam evenly.

Put this back in the oven for about 5-10 mins so it goes slightly more golden and delicious.

Wait for it to cool and voila! A rather rustic looking cornflake tart, made with the world's best jam!

Thank you Mrs Howard!

1 comment:

  1. NOM on a plate :)
    Such a neat idea suing the jam in a cornflake tart, I hope your friends enjoyed it.
    Do these lovely ladies read your blog? I'm sure they'd love to know their fame
    x x x

    {The Lobster & Me}


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